Hair Care, Vitamin

What foods to eat to improve and strengthen your hair?

Food that strengthen your hair

That your hair stays healthy, strong, and shiny after the summer depends on you and, knowing what foods to eat, we help you look and hair fantastic. Learn to take care of your hair with food!

Surely you will agree with me. When you have a beautiful, silky, and shiny mane, you feel much more beautiful. Or handsome! Because they care about their hair too.

Known and used by all of us are masks, conditioners, serums … Fantastic alternatives to show off great hair. But to strengthen hair and have healthy hair, it is not enough just to take care of the external appearance.

If we want to ensure that our hair lives a long and healthy life, the first thing is to know our enemies to be able to fight them. And the second is to look for great allies to help us achieve it, such as knowing the foods we should eat.

Stress: hair’s main enemy

The pace of life we lead and the continuous stress to which we are subjected becomes one of the main causes why hair becomes weak and brittle, loses vitality, and becomes more fragile, dry, and dull.

The stress compresses the blood vessels and produces more sebum, so the nutrients – vitamins and minerals can not reach the hair bulb (the place where the hair is fed). The scalp is suffocated. So strong is this suffocation that the hair begins to break or fall out.

But it does not stop here! Stress increases cortisol levels (a hormone released in response to emergency situations). Increase your appetite for foods rich in carbohydrates, sugars, and fats. Unfortunately, the consumption of this type of food reduces the intake of fruits and vegetables, legumes, or fish, which are very important to avoid weakness, hair loss, and alopecia.

Of course, there are also other reasons (hormonal, metabolic, summer sun, irons, and dyes …) that influence the state of our hair and hair loss. But for me, one of the main enemies of hair is undoubtedly stress. Learning to manage it will be the key to taking care of it.

Food that strengthen your hair

To show off strong and beautiful hair, our best ally is a healthy and balanced diet that ensures that there are no deficiencies, especially trying to eat foods rich in:

  • Foods that are rich in proteins allow us to form a good capillary structure. Although the main sources are of animal origin (dairy, eggs, sin, meat …), we must reduce their consumption and enhance plant proteins. So it is a good time to start consuming other alternatives, such as vegetable drinks, tofu, or seitan.
  • Vegetable fats to keep hair nourished and hydrated. Eating foods like avocado on toast for breakfast, adding nuts and seeds to salads, and always using olive oil is a good way to enhance them.
  • Iron favors microcirculation and facilitates the arrival of nutrients inside the hair bulb. Whole grains, legumes, and green leafy vegetables are very rich sources.
  • Group B vitamins, such as biotin and panthenol. Eating this type of food is ideal for accelerating hair growth, increasing its density, and enhancing its shine. Brewer’s yeast is the most prominent food. You just have to add two teaspoons of yogurt to benefit from this wonderful food.

As you can see, they are very simple foods to eat, incorporate or enhance (if you already consume them) but with super effective results.

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